
Cell phone safety and what we don't know

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What I have learned and researched that may help you about cell phones

As a physician who is constantly researching topics that affect us all, I became interested in the cause of brain tumors recently and what causes brain cancer. Interestingly, I learned that only 5% of brain cancer cause is known which is genetic syndromes that are usually uncommon. So 95% of the time we have no idea what causes brain cancer.

Then I started reading and listening to lectures from scientists around the world who have published literature on the increased use of cell phones and the radiation that is constantly around us through cell phone towers and our own handy dandy devices that we now just cannot live without (including myself).

Upon reading the literature, I learned a lot more than I had known about the recently published work on what kind of damage cell phones are doing to reproductive cells when we put it in our pant pockets, brain cells when we put it near our ear, or what it is doing to when we put it in the bra. Morevover, increasingly parents are giving cell phones to babies and toddlers to distract them or keep them occupied (see above photo of child with cell phone). Babies are rapidly growing and dividing cells are being exposed to radiation that we have no idea what that is doing to their risks in the future.

Cell phones are constantly irradiating us whether we use them or not. However, the closer it is to our body like on the lap, bra or pocket it seems to be causing more damage that cannot be visualized but can be picked up with research tools. Some of the research in animals, honey bees has shown that even low levels of use can increase the risk for all kinds of problems like affecting sperm counts, breast cancer and brain tumors.

We all know about distracted driving because of cell phone use in cars but there is a lot more damage that is occurring that we must all be aware off because remember there is no incentive for cell phone companies or social media companies to make you aware of this research. They want you to be on your devices constantly. Share this with younger people in your family so that they can take measures to reduce exposure to unnecessary radiation specially during pregnancy and babies.

I found this website that has very good information on how you can take measures to prevent unnecessary exposure and to use cell phones, tablets and laptops safely. It also has a YouTube video that I watched that gave me a lot of scientific information which I then corroborated on the database for National Library of Medicine and read the published research which is for all to see in plain sight but are unaware.

Click link below for more information on safely using cell phones, laptops and tablets from the Environmental Health Trust.