Muscles Strain

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What is the cause of sprains and strains?

​​​​Soft tissue is made of muscle fibers, tendons and fascia. Muscles and tendons have special cells that can monitor the degree of stretch and contraction. Usually muscles and tendons use soft contractions and resist overstretching. Sudden twists or jolts can result in the tear of these fibers, causing bleeding in the tissues because it is a force that the tissue cannot tolerate. Sudden injuries related to an accident or fall relates to a specific incident causing this injury. It gets worse within 24-72 hours of the incident and are called acute injuries. However, injuries due to overuse may get worse over 3 months and are thought to be more chronic in nature.

What is a sprain?

A sprain is a joint injury resulting from small tears of ligaments and joint capsules. Joints are protected by joint capsules and supported by tough bands of tissues called ligaments. They are nourished and lubricated by synovial fluid which bathes the joint and keeps it moving smoothly. Any injury to this area is a sprain. Commons sites for sprains are thumb, ankle and wrist joints.


Tendons connect the muscles to joints. Injuries to tendons or muscles result in a strain. Commons strain sites are the hamstring, calf and groin. What are the symptoms of sprains and strains? Sprains and strains can cause pain, swelling, stiffness and difficulty in range of motion.

Treatment for sprains and strains

Soft tissue injuries in most instances take from a couple to few weeks to heal depending on site and severity.

Treatment may include rest, ice packs, massages, anti-inflammatory medications, manual techniques and electrotherapy. Contact our office to see a physiatrist (doctor specialized in physical medicine and rehabilitation), physical therapist, chiropractor and acupuncturist to get comprehensive management of your condition.